Monday, September 15, 2008

3d studio- A little history

Hail! 3dsmax Release 1. This was hot. It was officially announced at Siggraph 1995 . Completely new interface, object oriented with modifier stacks and allowing for 3rd party plug-in renders and running on Windows NT 3.5.1.

I was determined to learn this program and Autocad LT. I knew it was going to be the future. Jon and I started doing 3d interiors with the few articles of furniture that they gave you on a Viewpoint disk (I wish I could have thought up we added in his custom built-ins and used the fabulous materials they had in the application (not!) and rendered it out on a sweet 800x600 resolution, real high-def stuff.

The clients freaked. They couldnt believe how cool this was. I knew I had to move forward.
Release 1 turned into 2, 3, 4 and finally here we are. Max 2009.

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