Monday, September 15, 2008

Welcome to the wonderful world of 3D Architectural Illustration

Hello and Welcome to my first blog. Someone recently told me that while the market in architecture is less than hot right now, it might be a good idea to start a blog. Now I admit that when it comes to 3d rendering, Adobe photoshop, and Autodesk 3dsmax I feel I'm pretty good at technology. So when I had to ask what a blog was, I felt pretty dumb. Anyway, when I got the DL on the concept, I figured it would be a cool idea to write about my journey through the world of architecture.

Having started out as an architecture major at USC (go Trojans!) I find it ironic that a simple turn of events landed me right back where I started, in architecture. I always wanted to be an artist and convincing my parents that I needed to switch to the art department was not my shining moment. Needless to say after 3 majors and 1 transfer, I did graduate with a B.F.A in studio art.

I find myself 24, and no idea what I am supposed to do. I literally had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of my parents money with no jobs, no prospects and no money. My architecture experience starts here. I am sent on an interview from a tip someone had given me. A man by the name of Jon, half Kiwi, half English, half crazy attempts to interview me while running around his design studio working, panicking, and finally telling me to leave and come back another day because he had a deadline couldn't talk to me. To make a long story short, we clicked right away. I ended up working for Jon for 4 years in the ever exciting world of systems furniture. Yes that cube you have to sit in everyday is system furniture. Don't get me wrong, we did more exciting things as well. See Jon is an amazing furniture designer. We would work on interiors for custom houses etc. Jon did all of his drawings by hand, they were works of art, I told him. And the artist side of me loved that unique side to design. But then I got introduced to Autocad....

Actually I don't even think it was technically autocad but some other program that was way easier. I started drawing plans, elevations, sections. Soon I was onto axonometric, isometric all done in 2D of course. Then I found 3dsmax.

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