Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Starting a company in 3d graphics

My company is called endisine3d, Inc. We specialize in 3d architectural illustration, 3d renderings, colored site plans and elevations. After working in an architecture firm that will remain nameless, I realized that it seemed ridiculous that I should be working for the man and making peanuts. I was seeing what was being billed to the client per hour and what I was making and so I figured, I can do this.

In 2001, I started my company while still working at the architecture firm. My game plan was to find some clients and then, when I couldn't stand working 16 hours a day, I would quit the firm. This lasted about 4 months. After a triple shot latte and 5 hours of sleep, the boss called me into the office and asked if I was on something. I said, yes, a triple latte. I proceeded to tell him that I was starting my own gig and quiting his. This wasn't going as planned. I jumped the gun and gave him my two weeks.

Crap, what did I do? I barely had enough clients to tide me over and now I quit my job. Anyway, to make a long story short, starting a business isn't for everyone, I had to borrow, beg and steal to make it work and now, in 2008, I'm still doing well as a business owner.

I think that this is a good business because not many people do it and alot of people need it. Also you don't have to charge too much when you are starting out because its mostly your time that you are billing out. Yes, you do need software (which is expensive) and equipment but I think most people in this industry are overcharging. I also think you need to be really good at creating graphics and very detailed. It's important to have pride in your work.

So that is pretty much where I am in 2008. Since the market is slow right now, I'm going to be writing about stuff I know in this business, software, hardware, tips, tricks, websites, etc, until we get out of this recession and start building again!

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